Full Form

What is the full form of BABT?

BABT Full Form: British Approvals Board for Telecommunications. In 1982, British Approvals Board for Telecommunications (BABT) was created to approve telecoms equipment against the recently privatized British Telecom (BT) technical…

What is the full form of BAC?

BAC full form: Business Advisory Committee. The Business Advisory Committee of Lok Sabha. The Committee is composed of 15 members. The ex-officio chairman of the committee is Speaker of Lok…

What is the full form of BACS?

BACS Full Form: Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies. The Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies program, which includes three areas of concentration, provides students with a 4-year general program,…

What is the full form of BAE?

BAE Full Form: Bachelor Of Architectural Engineering. Bachelor Programs in Architectural Engineering. A bachelor’s degree program is a course of study typically lasting four years with half of the coursework…