Full Form

KG Full Form | What is the full form of KG?

KG: Kindergarten KG Full Form: KG stands for Kindergarten. Kindergarten is a preschool educational approach based on playing, singing, practical activities such as drawing, and social interaction as part of…

What is the full form of KLA?

KLA: Kosovar Liberation Army KLA Full Form: KLA stands for Kosovar Liberation Army. The Kosovo Liberation Army was an ethnic-Albanian separatist militia that sought the separation of Kosovo from the…

What is the full form of DAA?

DAA – Decimal Adjust after Addition DAA full form: DAA stands for Decimal Adjust after Addition. DAA (Decimal Adjust after Addition) adjusts the result of adding two valid packed decimal…

What is the full form of DAAC?

DAAC – Distributed Active Archive Center DAAC Full form: DAAC stands for Distributed Active Archive Center. A Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) is a part of EOSDIS. DAACs process, archive,…

What is the full form of DAB?

DAB – Data Acquisition Bus DAB Full form: DAB stands for Data Acquisition Bus. Data acquisition is the process of sampling signals that measure real world physical conditions and converting…

What is the full form of DAD?

DAD – Diffuse Alveolar Damage DAD full form: DAD stands for Diffuse Alveolar Damage. Diffuse alveolar damage is a histological pattern in lung disease. It is seen in acute respiratory…

What is the full form of Covid 19?

covid 19 – Coronavirus disease 2019 Covid 19 full form Covid 19 stands for Coronavirus disease 2019. CO – Corona VI – Virus D – Disease 19 – Refers to…

What is the full form of ABC ?

ABC – American Broadcasting Company The full form of ABC is American Broadcasting Company. The American Broadcasting Company (ABC) is an American television network. Created in 1943 from the former…